Monday, March 1, 2010

Very miserable...

My hubby and I have both been sick. Well, my hubby got sick right after he got back from Del Rio, because I was feeling a bit under the weather already. By the time he got back from Del Rio, I was feeling better, then...whatdoyaknow...I got sick AGAIN! Yep. The day we were supposed to go visit my Dad (for his 7 year anniv. passing). We were headed out in our neighborhood when I suddenly felt a horrible headache come on. I went to go and lie down, and a couple hrs later I was experiencing the WORST sore throat, and I was developing a fever. Needless to say I felt like complete crap the last two days. I believe I had strep hubby thought otherwise. Uh, I looked up the symptoms and I was experiencing darn near ALL of them, ha.

This afternoon was when I started to feel a LOT better. Hubby even said I sounded more upbeat. Haha, far from upbeat babe...but one day really soon I'll be back to my normal self!

So, anyways...been in bed, drinkin water & oj, and eatin soup. Blech! Soooo glad that part is over with. Only so much chicken soup I can take. The progresso one was totally disgusting. The broth was sorta thick-like. Mmhmm...nasty. So for lunch today I ate a burrito that hubby bought at Kroger. They were alright. It tasted better than soup, I tell ya, ha.

What else is going on? Well, we're now in our Spring semester at school...yep, me and hubbs. College students. My hubby has also started his new job! Yep, completed training and everything. Now he's at his home store. He is a back of house supervisor at Toys 'R' Us. I am proud of him for all that he's done. Still working at CVS, now at TRU, and going to college. Hopefully I can get a job soon! *crosses fingers* Gotta start looking hard again. My inlaws will be here in about a week and a half. Yep. My mother in law's birthday is that Saturday. We usually go to lunch and a nice place for dinner. I'm really excited to see them, as always! Well, since my own stepmother is a cruel bitch. I'm not going to get into details about that, but I'm really pissed off at her. I sorta feel like my MIL can be like my Mom! She's a great person. I really admire her.

Wow, it's 1:30 am! Geez...and I'm still sick, and AWAKE? Yes, I'm not too smart to be staying up so late aren't I? No, siree. I'll wrap up this entry real soon, promise. But first...gotta tell you about the Bachelor finale.

What a dipshit Jake is! I can't believe he picked Vienna. I mean, I saw in the spoilers that he was going to pick her in the end, but I was made aware that sometimes the spoilers can be wrong, so I was crossing my fingers it'd be Tenley. Gah...poor Tenley...she really fell for Jake, and then gets dumped. She would have been a much better pick. Cute, got a good head on her shoulders, and whatever that Jake said that they didn't have chemistry? Umm...he must be an idiot...because he told Tenley that he loved her! Ugh...anyways. Saw that Ali is the new bachelorette. I am not sure I am going to watch her season. I liked Ali at the beginning of Jake's season...but when she let Vienna become her main focus...I lost interest. Ok, I know...we all hate Vienna, but don't center your world around hers. Makes me wonder what kind of a Bachelorette she'll be, ya know? Maybe she'll be a good one, who knows. I'm honestly tired of the whole Bachelor/Bachelorette shows...they always disappoint us all in the end...well except for Trista and Ryan. Those were the days.

Ok, so's twenty minutes till 2am! Yeahhhhh I better go...and get some zzzzzz's.

Night night ya'll!

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