Sunday, February 21, 2010

The hubbs has made it home & our evening together

A little before 5 my hubby got home. YAY! I missed him. I am glad that he seemed to have fun in Del Rio. It was a weekend for a LOT of the guys in the fam. to go huntin' and whatever else they do at the deer lease. BS and drink...I guess.

It's a damn shame my period had to arrive almost 3 days ago. Hubbs said he wanted me, as I did as well. My period is never welcomed! But us women HAVE to have them. Ugh...damn female stuff.

My hubby was so sweet to go and get us dinner. He volunteered. I welcomed that very much, especially since he doesn't have a lot of money. Money is still an issue here in our household, and I hate that. I hate having to worry about money. Everything costs money and it sucks. He got us Taco Bell and I have to tell wasn't that tasty. Too much seasoning or something. We should have just gotten Subway, or I should have whipped something up real quick.

After we ate we watched a lil Family Guy. We both love that show. Then, we actually watched Desperate Housewives together. My hubby doesn't like that show...but he'll get into it though! Was a good show actually. Well, I say that to just about every episode. Tomorrow evening should be good tv alright...Bachelor: Women Tell All...great, Rozlyn and I believe Michelle might make an apperance. I'm really anxious to watch it! Then we all know what's gonna happen in another week right, or is it two? Jake picks the girl he's gonna be with...and from what I've read it is supposed to be Vienna...and that's fine, if that's who he really wants to be with. I just thought that guy was a lot smarter than to pick Vienna, and I'll probably give up on the Bachelor after this. Seriously.

Wow, it's almost 1:30am. I had better get to bed! Sooo glad to have my sweet hubby home. Felt so lonely in the bed for the past few nights.

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